Zombies! (Episode 5): Sinners And Saints

Cover Zombies! (Episode 5): Sinners And Saints
Genres: Fiction
(Episode 5): Sinners and Saints   He couldn't take twelve men into this passage. It wasn't as narrow as the one in the basement above, but they would get bunched up if they all crowded inside. In the end he chose Willer, Hong, Andreyev, and Ruiz. Willer and Hong flanked Smith as he moved forward while Andreyev and Ruiz kept three paces back, providing cover and light. Together, they moved slowly forward, their lights much more effective in the enclosed space. Up ahead the tunnel bent to the lef...t. A lone figure crouched in the corner, her arms up above her head. Even when the light hit her, she did not look up. There were no visible wounds and she trembled in the cold.  “Miss?” Smith said, still several paces away. “My name is Gregory Smith and I'm a police officer. Can you understand me?”  Next to him, Hong's gun rattled a bit. Smith gave him a look, putting a hand on the barrel to steady it.  “There's nothing alive down here, Smith,” he whispered.  “Let's make sure of that, eh?”MoreLess

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