Zero Degrees Part 1

Cover Zero Degrees Part 1
Genres: Fiction
I was supposed to feel something, like remorse maybe, but I didn’t. As his eyes stared blankly at me all that flashed through my mind was the abuse that he’d afflicted upon me and my mother over the years. Shit, it actually felt good to see him lying there dead. It was finally over. As I sat down on the sofa, I placed the gun on the coffee table and picked up the house phone to dial 911. My mom was due home from work in less than twenty minutes. I didn’t want her to see police and paramedics wh...en she pulled up, but what was done was done. I’d murdered Goody and I knew the consequences of my actions.“911, what is your emergency?” The female dispatcher asked.“I just killed my mom’s boyfriend,” I stated calmly.“Ma’am, did you just say that you…”“Yes, I just shot and killed my mother’s boyfriend.”“Okay, was this an act of self-defense?”“In a way, yes, shit, the sorry mufucka’s been beatin’ on my mom and tryin’ to rape me for years. I got tired of that shit, so while he was under the sink fixing a pipe I shot him.”“What’s your address ma’am?”“1215 Shaw Rd.MoreLess

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