Yellowthread Street

Cover Yellowthread Street
Genres: Fiction
There were two conferences going on in Hong Bay. It was two fifteen in the morning and at the venue of the first conference, the Yellowthread Street Police Station, the atmosphere was stale and fuggy with cigarette smoke, half empty cardboard cups of aromatic burnt-bean coffee, O’Yee’s almost devoured night meal of take-away noodles and pork, and Auden’s and O’Yee’s bad jokes.
‘Ear today, gone tomorrow,’ O’Yee said and popped noodles into his mouth.
Feiffer continued reading Spencer’s report on
... his first interview with Hot Time Alice Ping of the two ears and Sister Sung’s telephoned news of Hot Time Alice Ping of the one. Feiffer said, ‘Shut up.’ ‘Don’t be so cruel,’ Spencer said to O’Yee and Auden. He read his report over Feiffer’s shoulder.
‘Ear’s to you,’ O’Yee said and raised his cup.
Auden collapsed in helpless laughter and banged his desk.
‘The Andrews Sisters,’ Feiffer said. He said to Spencer, ‘What’s this word?’ ‘Frank,’ Spencer said.

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