Yellowstone Romance Series - Bundle (# 2-5)

Cover Yellowstone Romance Series - Bundle (# 2-5)
Startled that it was no longer nighttime, she reached for her daughter. Dawn had never slept through the night before. She didn’t accidentally smother her baby, did she? She jolted fully awake with that thought. The air left her lungs in a relieved breath. Dawn slept snugly, cradled in Danica’s arms. She’d kept her baby tucked up close to her body all night, afraid what the cold air might do to her. Satisfied to see a rosy color to Dawn’s cheeks, Danica moved cautiously to sit up.
A quick glanc
...e at her surroundings told her most of the camp was still asleep. No one stirred from their bedrolls, which were positioned around their campfire. Off by a line of trees, the horses stood picketed. Most held their heads low. Apparently it was too early even for the animals to be awake.
Only one soldier was up, tending the fire. She recognized the same man who had been so helpful the night before, the one who had offered her an extra blanket. He glanced in her direction, and Danica shot him her most dazzling smile.

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