Witness to the German Revolution

Cover Witness to the German Revolution
Witness to the German Revolution
Victor Serge
Genres: Fiction
These debates have sometimes been seized on by critics of the KPD as evidence of collaboration with the extreme right. The fact that Serge’s articles appeared at the time in the open Communist press makes clear that the debates were conceived as a short term tactic with no further implications. As Serge shows in other articles, the debate was in any case taking place on the streets, as workers under Communist and fascist influence argued about the best way out of the crisis. It should also be r...emembered that at the time fascism was a very new phenomenon, and that the revolutionary left was still struggling to analyze it and to devise the best ways of fighting it. In late September, Stresemann called off the “passive resistance” in the Ruhr. The establishment of martial law by the Bavarian government led Stresemann and President Ebert to declare martial law throughout the Republic on September 26.
Fascists and Communists Correspondance internationale, September 29, 1923 “The fascist cross and the Soviet star are joined together… Count Reventlow117 and Radek are getting on together wonderfully well… The corrupters of Moscow, the Machiavellis of the Third International and the adventurers of German reaction have made a monstrous pact against democracy… Tartar Bolshevism, transformed into Germanic nationalism, is sharpening its knife—you know, the one they carry between their teeth!—to cut the throats of the innocent republics of Léon Blum and Ebert, of General Degoutte and citizen Noske…”

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