Winter's Secret

Cover Winter's Secret
Genres: Fiction
He ran lightly over the snow, grateful that the snow-packed ground muffled the sound of his boots breaking a path through dry snow. With his gun drawn, he paused at the edge of the garage. He waited, making certain the perpetrator entered. Legally and logistically, it would be better to make the arrest just inside the door—before the thief got his bearings. He's inside.  Rodd left the cover of the garage and ran toward the house. Without warning, a pickup truck barreled off the county road. Its... high-beam lights blinded Rodd, who was caught between the house and the garage. Turning, running forward blindly, Rodd sped up, trying to reach the thief before he could escape the house. "Hey! What's going on?" a voice boomed from behind the truck's lights. Rodd heard footsteps both in front of and behind him. When he detected a flicker of movement in front of him, he lunged forward, but the slippery material of snowmobile gear slid through his grasp. "Hey!" the voice behind him boomed once more. Rodd shouted, "Stop!MoreLess

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