Wildcase - [rail Black 02]

Cover Wildcase - [rail Black 02]
Wildcase - [rail Black 02]
Neil Russell
Genres: Fiction
“ The girl was no older than five, but her scream was worthy of Hitchcock, and her panicked sprint down the long aisle of the 747 had brought crewmembers running. It had already been a gruellingly long flight for Fabian, who had tried for several hours to ignore the furtive stares of his fellow first-class passengers. After the incident with the little girl, Astaire and the copilot had helped him up the winding stairs to the lounge, where he retreated to a quiet corner and chain-smoked the rest... of the way across the Pacific.
      Now, after a day’s rest in their Peninsula suite, Astaire pushed Fabian’s wheelchair past a line of bellboys, resplendent in starched white uniforms and matching pillbox hats, and let the Hong Kong sunshine wash over them. It had been thirty-two years since Fabian had last smelled the airborne brew of fish, vinegar, ginger, charcoal and flowers, but it was exactly the same. And the years had added something new—prosperity. Everywhere he looked, skyscrapers loomed, and from curbside carts to boulevard shops, commerce was being conducted at a frenzied pace.

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