Wild: From Lost to Found On the Pacific Crest Trail

Cover Wild: From Lost to Found On the Pacific Crest Trail
Genres: Nonfiction
lejion says:
I loved this book so much I passed it around to my friends. (NOT something I do very often) The humor and constant trials and tribulations while on the trail have made it abundantly clear that I'd party with Cheryl, but as far as me walking the trail myself; I'm absolutely sure that it'd put me right into a high speed wobble. If you're ready to smile for a while, I'd give this book a resounding, "get it" and then do just that. D'
rtuazon says:
My mother gave me a copy of this book and
... I held on to it for over a year before finally reading it, but I'm so grateful that I finally did. When I was about 2 years old (back in the 70s) my parents sold their belongings, bought a donkey, packed me up on its back and spent a few weeks on the PCT. I have always wanted to go back but I've never placed a foot on it since. This book gave such a great and realistic telling of Cheryl ' s journey that I can almost feel as though I were there. It made me feel just a little bit closer to my parents and has renewed my desire to go backpacking. I've read a few reviews and maybe it just doesn't fit with some people, but it made a strong connection with me. I love how Ms. Strayed lays her soul out there, how she almost makes you feel her sorrows and how she admits her responsibilities in how things came to be. She took a spirit walk and came out a person who could build real friendships and find love.MoreLess

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Guest 7 years ago

I absolutely loved this book...The way Cheryl has presented PCT in this book made me want to hike it someday... Her astounding life story made me feel feel how broken I may be but my future can be different than my present... I just have to reach out for myself and believe that I can....

Guest 6 years ago

ok bud

Guest 6 years ago

shut up

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