Wild for the Girl

Cover Wild for the Girl
Genres: Fiction
A cloud of dust hung in his wake as he bounced over ruts and rocks, whipping the car up to the main barn just as two more shots broke the quiet. The blasts overlapped, and came at him from all sides, bouncing off every building and tree. A pause followed, then two more shots in rapid succession. He didn’t have to guess at the direction. From behind the barn, nervous whinnying carried over the deeper sound of pounding hooves. Jumping out of the Porsche, he ran toward it.He rounded the corner of ...the barn and came up against the black boards of a corral. Inside, two horses watched with bored indifference as two others cantered in wild circles, throwing kicks and tossing their heads. They skidded to a stop near Reese, eyes rolling nervously and feet stamping.Another explosion sent them off at a canter as the sound wave merged with the rapid thumping of Reese’s heart. His frantic gaze swung to the other side of the pasture. Outside the corral near a second, smaller building, T.J. raised a rifle to her shoulder and sighted along the barrel at something he couldn’t see.Fear punched his gut as his mind conjured up images of a marauding cougar, or a mother bear with cubs.MoreLess

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