When Sparks Fly

Cover When Sparks Fly
Angel asks.
She’s sitting on my sofa as I go over my checklist for the signing. I flick my eyes to her briefly. “What’s what like?”
Book. Check.
Banner. Check.
Swag. Check.
“Signings. Having fans drive into town just to see you?”
I pause my pacing and turn to her. “I don’t have fans. I have readers. But truthfully, it makes me feel anxious. Like I want to throw up.”
She laughs and my eyes narrow so she quickly stops. “Seriously. I get nervous, like stage fright or something. I don’t do people w
...ell and I find myself tongue-tied and nervous as fuck.”
Her head tilts sympathetically and I turn to the sliding glass door to look out over the beach. It’s a beautiful day. The beach directly ahead of me is secluded, but to the left in the distance, it’s full of life—families setting up picnics—preparing for a day on the beach. Tonight it will be alive with people watching the fireworks over the water.
Angel wraps her arms around my waist and hugs herself against my back.

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