Wexford 10 - a Sleeping Life

Cover Wexford 10 - a Sleeping Life
Genres: Fiction
He went straight to Hightrees Farm. Griswold listened to him with an expression of lip-curling disgust. In the middle of Wexford’s account he helped himself to a brandy and soda, but he offered nothing to his subordinate. When it was ended he said, ‘Do you ever read the newspapers?’    ‘Yes, sir. Of course.’    ‘Have you ever noticed how gradually over the past ten years or so the Press have been ramming it home to people that their basic freedoms are constantly under threat? And who comes in f...or most of the shit-throwing? The police. You’ve just given them a big helping of it on a plate, haven’t you? All ready for throwing tomorrow morning.’    ‘I don’t believe Mrs Farriner will tell the Press, sir.’    ‘She’ll tell her friends, won’t she? Some busy-body do-gooder will get hold of it.’ The Chief Constable, who referred to Mid-Sussex as the General had been in the habit of referring to la belle France, with jealousy and with reverence, said, ‘Understand, I will not have the hitherto unspotted record of the Mid-Sussex Constabulary smeared all over by the gutter Press.MoreLess

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