Warlords Rising

Cover Warlords Rising
Genres: Fiction
Becca turned into a teacher after she got done with her own research. At any given time, she had at least twenty dragons sitting around her, plaguing her for more words. Anticipating where they would go, Becca taught them mostly Solish words and what Khobuntish she knew. Sometimes Nolan stepped in, when she couldn’t figure out how to explain a new word, but most of the time it was just her teaching. The dragons, in turn, taught each other so that by the time they left everyone had a basic vocab...ulary of about three hundred words. And growing.
An interesting part that was finally explained to Becca, now that the dragons had the necessary vocabulary, was that distance didn’t matter too much to them when they needed to speak to each other. As they explained it, they could hear each other, just not full speech. Becca still puzzled over full speech. She had an idea that dragon telepathy worked like a mirror broach. They could hear voices, but the tone and body language were lost. Dragons relied on all three to get a full message across.

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