Valley of Death Zombie Trailer Park

Cover Valley of Death Zombie Trailer Park
Genres: Fiction » Horror
Instant William Bedd fan! I read soooo many Zombie stories and while most are good more are average, very few are excellent. Valley Of Death, Zombie Trailer Park is one of those few. The story never slows once it get going, it just doesn't stop. There are a few "flashbacks" but they are never very long and complement the scenes. The characters are wonderful and well seriously the characters are great. Even as new characters/victims are introduced through out the story it never takes away from what is going on. William has a talent for interweaving a host of people new and old with out breaking stride or loosing the readers attention. This was a very difficult book to put down. I'm looking forward to reading Zombies of All Hallows Evil! More Zombie books should be written this well.
Valley of Death Zombie Trailer Park
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User Reviews:

Guest 6 years ago


Guest 6 years ago

hi my name Jeff

Guest 6 years ago

love the zombie world

Guest 6 years ago

i loved the book and the characters:) and let me tell you sir you have made quite a trick at the halloween story ending

Guest 6 years ago

hell nah

Guest 6 years ago

this book is sh1t

Guest 6 years ago

true dat

Brknowles388 6 years ago

kept me entertained. I liked it..

myeisha 7 years ago


Guest 6 years ago

Shut up

Guest 7 years ago

am crying because i cried then a real zombie came in my room i jumped down my railing and saw my dead mother please zombies are real if you have read this but don't repost it a demon will be at the foot of your bed tonight and you will here sreaming and find your parentd dead

Guest 7 years ago

book is boring

Guest 6 years ago

i ve loved the book was amazing, gory, good characters and a great is a good read

Guest 7 years ago

Awesome and great ending.
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