Unreasonable Doubt (2015)

Cover Unreasonable Doubt
Unreasonable Doubt
Vicki Delany
Genres: Fiction
He’d never had much time for Jack McMillan, and the feeling was mutual. He was pretty sure the old cop would tell him not to come if he suggested a meeting. He found McMillan’s address in the files, took the department van, and drove out of town. When he left the highway, the road curved up the side of the mountain. Neat homes, well-tended gardens, and sidewalks fell away as he climbed. The paved road ended and became gravel and then dirt, getting progressively rougher as trees gathered closer.... But even up here the wilderness was being pushed back. A new house, a huge modern palace of glass and concrete, grew out of a shelf of rock off to the right. The view, Winters thought, must be magnificent. He drove on. The road ended at McMillan’s place, the entrance marked by a No Trespassing sign. He turned in. The driveway was as welcoming as the sign: a rough track that would be pretty much impassable in heavy rains. His back teeth rattled along with the van’s chassis on the washboard surface.MoreLess

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