Unleashed Fury (Bloodrunes: book 1)

Cover Unleashed Fury (Bloodrunes: book 1)
Genres: Fiction
The guards nodded to them as they passed, but gave no indication that they were watching for anyone, and Layna relaxed somewhat. The two made their way through the streets undisturbed. Apparently, either the news of their actions back home had not yet reached here, or as they had assumed, it was too large a city with such constant traffic that it was simply impossible to ask the guards to watch for two specific people. They rode to a tavern that Gryffon knew, and bartered with the inn-keep for ...rooms. Once they had established their rates, they stashed their belongings in the rooms, and Gryffon and Layna claimed an unoccupied booth in the corner of the tavern.
A bawdy redheaded girl came over and asked if they wanted a drink, with a no-nonsense attitude born of years of dealing with drunken louts. They each ordered a round of the house ale and settled back to regroup. Gryffon told her that there was a place here that was a drop - a place where he could leave a message to be picked up by his countrymen.

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