Ultimate Supernatural Horror Box Set

Cover Ultimate Supernatural Horror Box Set
Nothing too overt, nothing that would have merited a civil suit in the “Pope Versus Lawyers” landscape of the 1990’s, but enough to instill an unsettling view of sacred rituals.During puberty, he’d felt the shadow latch on him as he’d explored the natural wonders of masturbation. Figuring it for a textbook case of guilt, he’d offered his Hail Marys and continued indulging. But the shadow deepened, insinuating into his heart like an autumn whisper, and one night the shadow appeared at the foot of his bed and said, “We’re ready to play.”He’d passed that night with the light on, flipping through his Bible without seeing the words, mumbling catechisms and the Lord’s Prayer. He’d tried to speak to his priest about the incident, but the modern church was more interested in pop psychology and public relations than battling ancient evil, and so little Rodney was left on his own. Fortunately, the Internet and a New Age bookstore had provided an armchair education, and soon he was secreting awa...y holy water in preparation of the coming Armageddon, when the Fallen would have their day.The Roach had become an informal demonologist, working outside the church, moving in a world that bordered between low-budget horror movies and La-La Land.MoreLess
Ultimate Supernatural Horror Box Set
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