Troy Rising 2 - Citadel

Cover Troy Rising 2 - Citadel
Troy Rising 2 - Citadel
John Ringo
Genres: Fiction
Kelly Ketterman said. “Now I understand what they meant.”
    Kelly Ketterman was the Managing Design Engineer of Night Wolves, the Granadica Design and Prototyping Center. Located inside the walls of the fabber called Granadica, the center was Tyler Vernon's version of Skunk Works or Phantom Works. And since the Granadica was, currently, located in the Wolf 359 system . . . Night Wolves.
    A petite blonde, she was barely taller than the notoriously short Vernon even when wearing heels.
...All it really takes is enough power and grav plates,” Tyler said, shrugging. “We're going to need a lot of osmium, admittedly. But that's just a matter of mining enough asteroids. And we just got several tons of prime grav plates. And we'll probably get a bunch of damaged power plants we can remelt. Well, we will have them once the salvage guys get done with the junk that's drifting around the gate.”
    “It's not a tithe of what you'd need, sonny,”

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