
Cover Toxicity
Genres: Fiction
Greenstar promised 100% recycling of alien tox. It was policy. It was what not only got them votes, and kept them in power, but earned them a lot of money and a number of God Award certificates from various planets, governments, and monarchies from around Manna - and indeed, the entire Quad-Gal. As far as the members of Impurity5 could work out, the reprocessing ratio was as little as 5%. Which meant 95% of waste being dumped direct into the ecosystem, or what remained of Amaranth’s ecosystem.
...  In reality, it was a huge shit pie. Quite literally. And the people of Toxicity were forced to take a very big bite in more ways than one.
  “So what happens to the other ninety-five percent?” said Randy, running a hand through his flowing locks. “They can’t just dump it. That would be... immoral.” His dazzling, beautiful face was fixed on Jenny. She smiled. Damn, he looked so out of place squatting in a hole in the ground.
  “They can, and they do,” said Jenny, and they sat in their covert hole, peering through Long Lenses as a convoy of Super Tankers arrived, perhaps a hundred in total, like huge black slugs buoyed on hover jets, each one as big as a thousand HG Truks.

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