Titan (Gaia)

Cover Titan (Gaia)
Genres: Fiction
Cirocco wondered as she struggled to wakefulness why she had so seldom managed to do the smart thing since she got to Themis. They would have to adjust to the strange timelessness. They couldn’t go on walking until they dropped.
Gaby was sleeping with her thumb in her mouth. Cirocco tried to get up without disturbing her, but it wasn’t possible. She moaned, then opened her eyes.
“Are you as hungry as I am?” she yawned.
“That’s hard to say.”
“You think it’s the berries? Maybe they’re no good.”
...Impossible to tell so soon. But take a look over there. That might be breakfast.
Gaby looked where Cirocco pointed. There was an animal down by the stream, drinking. As they watched, it raised its head and looked at them from no more than twenty meters away. Cirocco tensed, ready for anything. It blinked, and lowered its head.
“A six-legged kangaroo,” Gaby said. “With no ears.”
It was a fair description. The animal was covered with short fur and had two large hind legs, though not as large as a kangaroo’s.

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