
Cover Timeless
Genres: Fiction » Fantasy
Julie says:
Really good book and I am so happy everything got solved in this last book. Hate when authors finish a series and leave questions unanswered. I can't believe that Ivy of all people becomes a vampire Queen! I just can't even imagine THAT hive! LOL. What surprise that not only has Connall forgiven Alexia but he actually bought land in the God-Breaker zone so that they can grow old together. I guess he finally realized that he's tired of being the Alpha and dealing with all the responsibility that comes with it. I'm sure with the training of Lord Maccon Biffy will make a great Alpha.
cjang says:
I think this installment of the series was my favorite mostly because Alexia and everyone went to Egypt and Biffy was featured in a more prominent role with an expanded POV. I love everything about the world that Carriger has created in these books. Its terribly fun with odd humor, some mystery, romance, and the supernatural mixed in. The ending to this series did not disappoint and I can
...'t wait to read the new series the author has started with the main character being Prudence, Alexia's daughter. :)MoreLess
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User Reviews:

Guest 5 years ago

Gail Carriger is AWESOME! This book is not boring. It is a great book. It is steampunk, funny, and entertaining. But you really should read the other books of the series first, and if you have enough time, the YA series Finishing School. Then your understanding will be complete. Gail Carriger writes awesome books!

Guest 6 years ago

(O_O) me no like it

Guest 6 years ago

you are gay

Guest 7 years ago

It is an exciting story but with many vague and new words i faced difficulty in understanding many words

Guest 7 years ago


Guest 7 years ago

I dont like the book

Guest 7 years ago

Is not a good book

Guest 7 years ago

The show and movie are amazing someone tell me if the book is worth my time

Guest 7 years ago

It is amazing!

Guest 7 years ago

do l like is book i boout is book because aboout people

Guest 7 years ago

yea, dis book is boout people because

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