Then Came Heaven

Cover Then Came Heaven
Genres: Fiction
Since Eddie had to work throughout vacation, the plans were made for the girls to spend the first week at Grandpa and Grandma Pribil’s, and the second week at Grandpa and Grandma Olczak’s. After a dismal week putting up the Christmas tree at home and trying to make a joyful occasion out of one that dredged up painful memories of Krystyna, Eddie succumbed to the girls’ pressuring, got one of his nephews to ring the evening Angelus and took the girls out to their Grandma Pribil’s late Friday afte...rnoon.Krystyna’s mother was doing a valiant job of keeping her chin up. She told the girls they could help her bake Christmas cookies and she’d cook them pirohis and kolach with lots of psypka on top, just like their mommy used to make. And out in the barn, she said, they had a mother cat with four new baby kittens, and they could choose one to bring in the house and make a bed near the woodstove for it, and maybe when they went back home they could ask their daddy if they could take it and keep it for their own.Grandpa Pribil took them out to the barn and they chose a fluffy striped kitten with a tail straight as an asparagus sprout.MoreLess

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