The Valley of Amazement

Cover The Valley of Amazement
Kris says:
A disappointing read. I have been a fan of Tan's other books but this one was full of information dumps and wooden dialogue. I had a lot of contempt for the women in the story and the choices they made in life but I would have forgiven them if they had an interesting story. I was looking forward to another of Tan's beautifully plotted books but I was not impressed with the structure of this novel. The only thing that kept me reading is a desire to see how it ended. Thankfully I was able to skip the boring passages without losing track of the story. There were some beautifully written passages but she lost me with her lack of focus, her introduction of characters at odd times, and her unbelievable plot twists. And she made the antagonist completely irredeemable which is unrealistic. Would not recommend this book.
rosie says:
Amy Tan's first novel in 8 yrs... worth the wait! If you loved "The Joy Luck Club", you'll love this. Captures the heart of mother/daughter relationships.
... Ms. Tan heavily researched the life of a courtesan in early 20th century Shanghai. Beautifully and artistically written, it moved me to tears at the end. One of those epic novels that you simply don't want to put down. I felt like I lost a friend at the conclusion, not wanting to part with its poetic words.MoreLess
The Valley of Amazement
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Guest 6 years ago


Guest 7 years ago

i cant download it or save the file because it requires your card number... pls kindly solve this problem...

Guest 7 years ago

A refreshing read and nice insight into life in imperial China (status of women).

Guest 7 years ago

loooooove this book 5 stars

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