The Tall Men

Cover The Tall Men
Genres: Fiction
The way Ben rode it, on point with Clint the whole fifteen days of it, it was four government freight wagon burn-outs and the charred ashes of three big emigrant outfits.
The blackened wagonboxes and heat-twisted wheelrims of the latter parties were long weeks past their firing, the half-burned oak planks already mercifully sinking into the shadow of the summer grass, the wheel irons, bed braces and scattered tracechains red-scaled with fresh rust. But the last of the government freight parties
... was something else again.
Bodies keep well in the high, dry air of central Wyoming.
And these had not been too long in the keeping.
Where they buried the last of them, shallowly scooped into the thin soil, dignified only by a brooding cairn of loose rock, the tenuous, blue-white wisps of hardwood smoke were still curling skyward from the embers of the gutted Conestogas.
Ben rode quickly on with the burial party.
The herd dust was growing faint ahead, there was nothing more a man could do for the poor devils.

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User Reviews:

Edgar G. 2 years ago

A Really excellent book ...NO tiresome repetition and rambling history like Louis L'amour's often plagiarize style books

Like the old coffee advert "good to the very last "word".. !!

Guest 2 years ago

This was a good story, well written and exciting in every page. But I don't understand Ben's renunciation of Clint's share; also that Ben's share came to $10.000 instead of $30.000.
3000 cattle @ $35 a head comes to over $100.000, so Ben should have had $ 68,000. Is this meant by the author to show that Ben was a mixture of simplicity and cleverness...?? Well, we can't ask him.

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