The Talents

Cover The Talents
Genres: Fiction
Of course, there was a lot more. They showed a movie with pictures of rockets built by Delcroix scientists, and hospitals with kids being cured of horrible diseases by Delcroix doctors. There were scenes of students playing sports, doing plays, and dancing.
But then the movie was over and Principal Solom started talking. She was a tiny woman, maybe five feet tall, so she couldn’t use a podium or she probably would have disappeared completely. She must have been almost as old as Grandma, but ins
...tead of having that soft, helpless look to her, she looked like she wouldn’t think twice about putting you in a headlock and elbowing you in the stomach if you talked back. I was sitting halfway back in the audience, but I still wanted to shudder at the look in her eyes as she marched up and down the stage and barked rules at us for an hour.
The school day started at seven forty-five and ended at three thirty. There were mandatory study hours between seven thirty and nine thirty, when you had to stay in your room or go to the library.

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