The Synopsis Treasury

Cover The Synopsis Treasury
Genres: Fiction
Three times he’s won the Rhysling Award for best science fiction poem of the year. In 2012 he was inducted into the Science Fiction Hall of Fame. His latest novels are a trilogy, Marsbound, Starbound, and Earthbound, and just out this year is Work Done For Hire. Joe was a combat soldier in Vietnam, which strongly influences some of his work. Ridley Scott has bought the movie rights to The Forever War. When Joe’s not writing or teaching—he’s just retired from M.I.T., where he has taught every fa...ll semester since 1983—he paints and bicycles and spends as much time as he can out under the stars as an amateur astronomer. He’s been married for 49 years to Mary Gay Potter Haldeman.About half my novels nowadays don’t go through a synopsis presentation, at least not a written one. I have dinner with my editor and pitch the book, and she usually likes the idea and sends my agent a contract. The contract is just for “the next science fiction novel by Joe Haldeman.”In fact, I do have a synopsis-style letter to my editor, which she asked for after such a conversation … here it is, written from Norton Island, a small retreat for writers and artists off the coast of Maine.—Joe HaldemanFunny thing, Susan … out here on the island people ask “What is your novel about?”—and I realize how hard it is to sum it up in a few lines.MoreLess

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