The Son

Cover The Son
frannie22 says:
There is no question that Philipp Meyer is a gifted writer. His fluid use of language and his strong sense of character make this book never less than interesting. But as I was reading it, it continually felt like something was missing. And then it occurred to me: there is a profound lack of wonder in two of the three main characters. The scenes where Eli, as a Comanche, describe the cutting up and using of entire animals are interesting, and have some shades of the whale butchering scenes in "Moby Dick", but whereas in the Melville classic there is a profound sense of the majesty of nature's complexity, in "The Son," scenes like this seem rather like checking boxes off a to-do list. Frankly, it felt a little like a John Jakes family history written by someone with a better grasp of the English language.Parts of this book are wonderful, parts are fascinating, and there's a sense that something big is going to come as the complexity of these lives, and the lives they touc
...h, is revealed. But reading it felt like a march - this, then this, then this, then this - rather than, maybe, a swirling hoe-down. It's worth reading but not worth reading more than once.
is_hdit says:
Phenomenal.A history of a dynasty in Texas from it's pre-USA days right up to now. The story traces the stories of the inheritors of the dynasty's mantle, one per generation.It is a book about nation-building and the nature of greed. We see how people are driven to kill to possess, retain or protect something that is ultimately close to worthless, and whose worth fluctuates even while they still hold it precious. This is set against the ideas of nation building, how the initial days are ones of mercenary land and rights grabs, following by law-making to set the status quo in stone. We are led to question whether possession is not less of a social good than cohesion and family bonds.The book questions this approach with one character set to eschew the pre-ordained order.It is a riveting read that raises so many questions along the way, far beyond those mentioned above.
The Son
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Guest 5 years ago

It would have been nice to be warned that this book was incomplete before I wasted my time starting it! Fail!!! :(

Guest 6 years ago

I was really enjoying the book until abruptly there was no more availavble online. Obviously there is lots more to read, but not on this site!! This also happened to me when reading the Luminaries. I had to go borrow the book from my local library in order to finish it.

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