The Shadow of the Wind (2015)

Cover The Shadow of the Wind
Genres: Fiction
MY FATHER INSISTED on opening the bookshop as usual to offer a show of normality and innocence. The police had posted an officer by the door to our stairs, and another watched over Plaza de Santa Ana, sheltering beneath the church door like the effigy of a saint. We could see them shivering under the intense rain that had arrived with the dawn, the steam from their breath becoming less visible as the day wore on, their hands buried in the pockets of their raincoats. A few neighbors walked strai...ght past, with a quick glance through the shop window, but not a single buyer ventured in.
    “The rumor must have spread,” I said.
    My father only nodded. He’d spent all morning without speaking to me, expressing himself only with gestures. The page with the news of Nuria Monfort’s murder lay on the counter. Every twenty minutes he would wander over and reread it with an inscrutable expression. All day long he had been bottling up his anger, letting it accumulate inside him.

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Guest 2 years ago

Great book!
I love the gothic feel of the novel, and the pacing of the story. In many books the side plots feel contrived or drag down the book, but in The Shadow of the Wind, they are overlayed beautifully.

Guest 4 years ago

I loved this book so much. The story is written beautifully with enticing twists and turns that leaves no stone unturned. This book is a story that has both light and darkness within it, and a incessant twinged of hope written throughout it. This is a must read.

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