The Seduction Game

Cover The Seduction Game
Genres: Fiction
So it really doesn’t matter what I wear. Does it?’Melusine, lying on the bed, her paws neatly disposed under her, opened her eyes and squinted with the weary scorn of one who’d heard it all before. As indeed she had. Several times.‘And you’re no help,’ Tara added, holding yet another pair of jeans and top in front of her and glaring at her reflection.She didn’t wish to appear as if she’d dressed up for the occasion, treating it as some kind of special thing.On the other hand she didn’t want to ...look as if she’d been dragged through a hedge backwards either.And she’d brought no going-out clothes with her for the very good reason she’d planned on spending her evenings at home.So much for planning, she thought, with a sigh. Of course she could always make an excuse—invent a headache when Adam called for her. And she could also visualise the cynical disbelief that would twist his mouth if she did any such thing.She sighed again, and tossed the clothes she was holding on to the bed, just missing Melusine, who gave her an affronted stare.‘You don’t walk in my shoes, so don’t judge me,’ Tara told her, running a distracted hand through her hair.Of course there were always the things that she’d left in her old room, she realised, frowning.MoreLess

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