The Secret River

Cover The Secret River
Genres: Fiction
The old hands called it The Camp, and in 1806 that was pretty much still what it was: a half-formed temporary sort of place.
    Twenty years before it had been one of the hundreds of coves hidden within a great body of water as complicated as a many-fingered hand. One hot afternoon in the January of 1788, with big white birds screeching from the trees by the shore, a captain of the Royal Navy had sailed into that body of water and chosen a cove with a stream of fresh water and fingernail of be
...ach. He had stepped out of the boat and caused the Union Jack to be hoisted on a spar leaning crookedly upright, and declared this place part of the extended territories of King George III, Sovereign of Great Britain, Defender of the Faith. Now it was called Sydney Cove, and it had only one purpose: to be a container for those condemned by His Majesty’s courts.
    On the September morning that the Alexander dropped its anchor in Sydney Cove, it took William Thornhill some time to see what was around him.

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