The Secret Chicken Society (2012)

Cover The Secret Chicken Society
Genres: Fiction
As soon as the bus doors opened, Daniel jumped out. He lived in a small, normal-looking house between two bigger houses. Mom called them “mini-mansions.” They towered over Daniel’s home like castles.
The grass in Daniel’s yard always needed mowing. It was always scattered with bikes and skateboards and toys. But the fancy houses had tidy lawns. They had carefully trimmed hedges and neat flower beds with no weeds.
Miss Clay lived in the brown house next to Daniel. She usually worked in the city,
... but today she was out walking her two miniature poodles, Dot and Dash. Dot was black. Dash was white. Miss Clay followed, talking on her cell phone, her high heels clicking on the sidewalk.
Daniel waved to her. “Guess what!” he called. “We’re going to hatch chicks at school, and I’m going to get one!”
The poodles slipped off their leashes. They charged at Daniel, yipping and barking. Dot jumped up to lick Daniel’s face. He pushed the dog away, laughing. Dash put his paws on Daniel’s legs.

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