The Rosy Crucifixion 3 - Nexus

Cover The Rosy Crucifixion 3 - Nexus
Genres: Fiction
It was pure fire water.Have another, said the other sister and refilled the glasses. There, doesn’t that feel good? It burns, eh? But it gives you spirit.We had two or three more in rapid fire succession. Each time they said—There, don’t you feel better now?Better or worse, I couldn’t say. All I knew was that my guts were on fire. And then the room began to spin.Lie down, they urged, and grasping me by the arms they lowered me on to the bed. I stretched out full length helpless as a babe. They removed my coat, then my shirt, then my pants and shoes. I made no protest. They rolled me over and tucked me away.Sleep a while, they said, we’ll call for you later. We’ll have dinner for you when you wake up.I closed my eyes. The room spun round even faster now.We’ll look after you, said the one.We’ll take good care of you, said the other.They tiptoed out of the room.It was in the wee hours of the morning that I awoke. I thought the church bells were ringing. (Exactly what my mother said when ...trying to recall the hour of my birth.) I got up and read the note again.MoreLess
The Rosy Crucifixion 3 - Nexus
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