The Robot King (2010)

Cover The Robot King
The Robot King
H. Badger
Genres: Fiction
But he didn’t want to get soaking wet.
When he saw a fat raindrop heading right for him, he ducked out of the way.
The raindrop fell onto the moving walkway. But instead of making a splash, the raindrop sizzled when it fell.
‘Does it rain boiling water here?’ Kip asked Pappy.
‘Why do you say that?’ said Pappy, robotic eyes darting.
He’s hiding something, Kip thought.
Kip glanced back at the spot where the raindrop fell. There was smoke rising from it.
‘That was no ordinary raindrop,’ Kip whispe to Finbar.
‘Enough talking about rain,’ Pappy interrupted, hurrying along the moving walkway. ‘We’ve arrived at my house.’ Pappy sounded very relieved.
Kip, Finbar and Pappy stepped off the walkway outside a pair of fancy gates.
Pappy’s house was gigantic mansion.
Unlike the other houses, there was a lawn with leafy trees out the front.
When Kip got close, though, he saw they were all fake. Kip was pretty sure the word ‘Arboria’ had something to do with trees, but there weren’t any on this planet.

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