The Reproductive System (Gollancz Sf Library)

Cover The Reproductive System (Gollancz Sf Library)
Genres: Fiction
They spoke in hushed voices.
‘I have done all I can,’ Marcel Brioche said, ‘Mon général, the rest is in the hands of le bon Dieu.’ ‘Stick to English, vache! The walls have ears in Marrakech. Tell me, exactly what measures have you taken to guarantee the safety of this mission—in other words, of your person?’ ‘First of all, I have hinted to each of the agents—the Russian and the American—that I have made some sort of deal with the other side. Thus I have been able to keep them both off-balance u
...p till now, playing them off against one another. With luck, they will be so busy spying each other out—or even fighting—that they will leave me alone’ ‘And—with no luck?’ ‘I have secondly instructed my valet, Antoine, to don a duplicate of my space suit and to—shall we say—hide conspicuously. That is, he is to slip through back streets to the launching site—which only the three of us know—and draw off anyone who means to follow me. If there remains anyone who is seeking my life, it is my hope that they will make a crucial mistake.’ ‘Does Antoine know the risk?’ ‘He is, like me, a loyal Frenchman.MoreLess

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