The Religion of the Spirit World Written By the Spirits Themselves

Cover The Religion of the Spirit World Written By the Spirits Themselves
Genres: Nonfiction

Purchase of this book includes free trial access to where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: CHAPTER II THE NECESSARY PRE-ACQUIRED MENTAL CONDITIONS FOR SECURING HAPPINESS IN THE NEXT WORLD " Julia " confirms Mr. Heslop, and strongly insists on the necessity of self-preparation for the next world.? Religion is Character and Conduct (Jas. I, 27).? The surprises of the next life.? Our permanent identity.? Lik


e goes to like. ? The " Loss " of the soul here, and how to regain it.? The " Oneness " between this and the next life.? The apparent and the real man.? Belief is not Faith.? No break of continuity.? The " Bridge Bureau " prepared.? Its value.? We " made our next life on earth."? The law of spiritual growth.?" The last shall be first, and the first last," illustrated.? The natural law of inevitable consequences in the next life, which follow on that on earth.? No "Judgment" from without, but "self-selection" by Conscience. The friend of the late Mr. W. T. Stead, called " Julia," who held long correspondences with him from the other side, fully corroborates all other spirits, that Religion on the other side, as it should be on this, is based on Character and Conduct, namely the " Christ-like." This is what St. James meant by Religion when he denned it as follows; "Pure Religion and undefiled beforeGod the Father is this ? to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and to keep himself unspotted from the world." " Julia," in After Death, observes in the second chapter, entitled " The Surprises of the New Life ": " When the soul leaves the body it remains exactly the same as when it was in the body . . . the mind, the knowledge, the experiences, the habits of thought, the inclinations ? they remain exactly as they were. ... It is the mind which makes character. Hence, the thoughts and the intents of the heart, the imaginations of the mind, these are ...


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