The Queen And I

Cover The Queen And I
Genres: Fiction
The Queen and I Sue Townsend For Gabrielle, Bailey and Niall AUTHOR’S NOTE The Queen and I is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used entirely fictitiously.
    Now, when thou wak’st, with thine own fool’s eyes peek William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream April 1 Uneasy Lies the Head The Queen was in bed watching television with Harris. It was election night, 11.20 pm, Thursday 9 April 1992. Harris yawned,
...displaying his sharp teeth and liver-coloured tongue.
    “Are you bored with the election, my darling?” asked the Queen, stroking Harris’s back.
    Harris barked at the television, where a display of computer graphics (little men in top hats) was jerking about on the screen. The Queen watched with amused incomprehension for a while, before realising that the red, blue and orange computer men represented the present composition of the House of Commons.

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