The Pyramid Builders

Cover The Pyramid Builders
Genres: Fiction
“Not yet. They may now be reluctant to follow any of our trails.”
L’grae nodded, “I can’t say I blame them, since they’ve lost two hundred ships. I suspect they know by now that even if they chase us with a fleet they will lose their ships as soon as they enter normal space. A hundred ships firing high energy beams continuously as they enter is more than they can handle. They can still only enter the location one at a time.”
“The fleet is waiting with charged weapons, but nothing has shown up o
...n the scanners yet.”
“They’ll come.” The Sensor Officer looked skeptically at him. “They can’t tolerate someone challenging their superiority. Oh; they’ll come.”
L’grae’s ship was three hundred thousand miles from the ships waiting in ambush. Tenah had forbidden him to take part in an attack. Seems he thinks I’m too valuable. L’grae snorted at the idea, but followed orders and kept his ship at a safe distance from the point of emergence. The Sensor Officer said, “Something’s coming through.”

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