The Practical Stud Groom

Cover The Practical Stud Groom
Genres: Nonfiction

PREFACE. When writing the following pages the Author did not delude himseEf with the idea that was about to ccstagger humanity by putting forward startZing new theories and propositions in Stud Managentent. He was actuated by the belief that tAe contents, founded as they are on a twenty-jve years experience of stud WO, might be found hel-pful to novitiates who had yet to win their spurs, either as stud masters or stud grooms. I f old practitioners fail to discover anything new, the Author sincerely trusts that they will at least find mucll to which they can heartily subscribe. HARRY SHARPE. January, 1913. CONTENTS. PAGE CHAPTER I. Essential Principles - Stallion Boxes - Foaling Boxes-The Sand Ring - The Straw Yard - Hospital and Isolation Boxes. CHAPTER 11. PADDOCK AN S D PAGTURES ... ... ... ... 16 Size of Divisions-Quality of Grass rather than Quantity - Care of Pastures-Cattle and Mowing Machine-The Best Cattle to Employ. CHAPTER 111. Natures Method-Importance of Condition -Exercise


and Food. CHAPTER IV. FOALING TI ME ... ... ... ... ... ... 39 Implements and Drugs Required-Foaling Operations-The Moment for Action - Excessive Hamorrhage - The New-born Foal-Malpresentationdnverted Uterus. CHAPTER V. THE TREATMENT OF Fous ... ... ... ... 57 When Help is Needed-A Maiden Mares OSpring-Constipation-Artificial Feeding-Fresh Air and Exercise-Handling-An Effective Method-A Plan that Failed-A Foals Rations-Irritation from Flies. CHAPTER VI. WEANING T HE FOAL ... ... ... . . -.. 79 Advantages of late Weaning-The Separation-Tuition. CHAPTER VII. - STALLIONM ANAGEMENT .. . ... ... ... ... 89 Importance of Exercise-An Easy Start Desirable. . CHAPTER VIII. COVERING TI ME ... ... ... ... ... . - S 94 Trying Mares - The Speculum - The Service - The Inseminator. CHAPTER IX. THE SHOEINGS MITHS D UTIES .. . ... ... ... 114 The Way to Correct Pigeon Toes, Splay Feet, and Upright Pasterns. CHAPTER X. BREAKINGY EARLINGS ... ... ... ... ... 121 The Cavesson - Putting on the Bridle - Removing the Bridle-The First Railway Journey-A Yearlings Forced Growth. THE PRACTICAL STUD GROOM. - PLANNING A STUD FARM. I n my wanderings u p and down England I have never met with an ideal thoroughbred stud. Beautiful places I have frequently seen, but there has always been something wanting-only too frequently many desirable things I am suBciently sceptical by nature to doubt whether at present in the United Kingdom such a place as an ideal stud exists. So wrote the Rev. E. Adrian Woodruffe-Peacocke, Soil, Grass and Game Specialist, in an essay entitled The Ideal Th, oroughbred Stud, published in 1906. It is extremely doubtful whether, among persons qualified by practical experience to give an opinion on the subject, there would be found many, or even any, to dispute the reverend gentlemans dictum. But the hundred and one items that go to make up an absolutely perfect stud farm are so varied in their nature that it is almost impossible to combine them all within the four corners of any given plot of land, whether containing one hundred or one thousand acres. Good climate, soil, herbage, water supply, shelter, eleva- tion, drainage, stabling and fencing are essential to the 2 The Practicul Stud Groom. making of an ideal stud. The difficulty is to get them all in conjunction. For this reason it is to be feared that the absolutely ideal stud is fated to remain a laudable ambition, extremely difficult of attainment...

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