The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Cover The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Genres: Nonfiction
Everyone between the ages of 14 and 18 should read this book. I related to it more than I let myself believe. Not to mention, I have probably reread it at least 4 times since first reading it during my freshman year of high school. Charlie's character navigated high school in such a way that made me feel (at least, for the time being) less afraid. jHON SAY: I really liked this book because it showed high school from a different perspective. It highlighted the high and low points of one's high school experience. I enjoyed how it took place from the perspective a a shy high school boy who is struggling to find friends.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
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Guest 3 years ago

It is really a good book. U wouldn't get bored u could cry at the end . I totally relate the character with myself and I was shocked how similar we were. Soo. Great book for me

Shay_ 3 years ago

the book was good at first but then it wasnt so ig u could read it if ur hella bored buts its alright

Guest 3 years ago

the book was good at first and then it just wasnt towards the end, but if your bored ig u could read it if u want to.

Guest 3 years ago

I loved this book mostly because Charlie and I are so much alike, we both sufferd trama we write poems to cope with problums we love to write and read we have friend ships with our teachers and we even share the same birthday! It was really cool being able to relate with this charcter a lot

Guest 4 years ago

This book touched me and made me realize how much Charlie and I are really alike. We both have had trauma. A masterpiece.

Guest 4 years ago

Yeah, it's a teenage novel but the little values and experiences Charlie shares are really worth it. It is a good read. And if you are struck between the movie and the book, go with the book, you won't regret it.

Guest 5 years ago

One of my favourite books of all time. Charlie is not a weak character, he is damaged by the trauma that happened to him as a child. The fact he can even deal with life after all that's happened is extremely brave of him.

Guest 5 years ago

Not really a fan of this book... The main character of this story is just weak.

Guest 5 years ago

no he isn't, he was molested as a child which lead him onto PTSD and Anxiety also depression so stfu

Guest 6 years ago

This book is shit don't waste your time reading this garbage

Guest 4 years ago

Thanks you. The book was amazing and correct me if I’m wrong but it’s nonfiction which is even more amazing

Guest 5 years ago

shut up

Guest 6 years ago

That was so amazing. Definitely one of my favourite books.
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