The Patient Wolf (Wicked Urban Fantasy #1)

Cover The Patient Wolf (Wicked Urban Fantasy #1)
Genres: Fiction
When she got to work her friend and fellow admin, Monica, was just as ready to gossip as Mrs. Andres had been. But, of course, it wasn’t about anything that she had heard on the local news. Monica didn’t believe in listening to the news. “It just starts your day off wrong to hear all that bad stuff about murder and rape and the economy,” she was fond of saying.
    Maybe Monica had a point, Ana thought as she neared the office. Hearing about a man killed by a dog just a short time after, presum
...ably, the same animal had attacked her, had definitely put a damper on her day. She really needed to get hold of Chris, she thought to herself. She had dropped him at home. She was sure he hadn’t planned to go out again, but she wished she had gotten his phone number just so she could reassure herself he had not been the victim.
    She had little time, though, to think about the dog attack, or the victim, because Monica began talking as soon as she got inside the door.

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