The Offering

Cover The Offering
Genres: Fiction
Even my feet hurt.
“¡Dios tenga misericordia de nosotros!” Wailing, Mama Isa leaned forward to rub my back. “I am so sorry. How could this be? First Gideon, and now this. How are you supposed to bear it?”
I wanted to scream that I couldn’t bear it. With Gideon gone, how was I supposed to bear anything? I had lost my husband and best friend, my daughter had lost her daddy, and we had both lost our future hopes and dreams.
Familiar voices echoed in the hallway outside my hospital room as relative
...s crept from the waiting area to check on me. Apparently the entire Lisandra clan had left my house and come here, their contagious joy supplanted by unimaginable sorrow. They’d brought Marilee with them, and I knew she’d be well tended by loving arms, hugged and kissed and comforted as Gideon’s only child. I couldn’t make out all the Spanish phrases flowing in the hallway, but I knew what they were saying about my daughter: Poor thing, she is all we have left of Gideon.
How long had they been outside?

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