The Moon And More

Cover The Moon And More
Genres: Fiction » Love & Romance
Alison says:
The Moon and More by Sarah Dessen is a very dramatic and an inside glimpse of the real world. I don’t really know where I stand on this book in terms of liking it. There are points during the book where I absolutely loved it. For example, I really liked the story when Emaline, the main character, was still in a relationship with Luke at the beginning of the story. Also, one of the best moments for me while reading the book was realizing that this book connects with another one of Sarah Dessen’s books, Along for the ride. Once I realized this, I figured this book would be as great as the other. Two reasons I didn’t really enjoy this book are: I wasn’t able to connect with the characters and I didn’t like the majority of the characters. I particularly didn’t like Emaline’s new boyfriend, Theo, or her father. They had really sketchy and weird personalities. The writing, although not beautiful in my opinion, was effective and a bit powerful. This novel brings out realistic endi
...ngs, and events that could happen in real life. It also subconsciously gives you advice and little tips on relationships. I will not recommend this book to any of my classmates, because I’m not going to give it a great rating.The Moon and More by Sarah Dessen is a very dramatic and an inside glimpse of the real world. I don’t really know where I stand on this book in terms of liking it. There are points during the book where I absolutely loved it. For example, I really liked the story when Emaline, the main character, was still in a relationship with Luke at the beginning of the story. Also, one of the best moments for me while reading the book was realizing that this book connects with another one of Sarah Dessen’s books, Along for the ride. Once I realized this, I figured this book would be as great as the other. Two reasons I didn’t really enjoy this book are: I wasn’t able to connect with the characters and I didn’t like the majority of the characters. I particularly didn’t like Emaline’s new boyfriend, Theo, or her father. They had really sketchy and weird personalities. The writing, although not beautiful in my opinion, was effective and a bit powerful. This novel brings out realistic endings, and events that could happen in real life. It also subconsciously gives you advice and little tips on relationships. I will not recommend this book to any of my classmates, because I’m not going to give it a great rating.
Mattjordie says:
The book, The Moon and More is categorized as fiction by Sarah Dessen. I think the theme of the book is life comes with unexpected turns, but sometimes you just have to learn to adjust and go with the flow. I think this because Emaline, the main character, goes through several life changes and ends up having to make choices she’s never had to make before. Emaline is an employee who works at her family’s real estate agency in Colby, her hometown where she grew up. Her boyfriend, Luke, the love of her like for about seven years, think they are headed onto the right path to a happy life where they will continue on making memories together. As summer passes by, things for Emaline don’t go exactly the way she had planned.She’s forced to make some decisions since College is just around the corner. Her and Luke are planning on attending the same state school in the fall. Living at home has become a headache for her as well as for her sister, Margo, and their mother. Emaline’s dad started another project reconstructing their entire house and they all aren’t exactly for it. Emaline’s biological father shows up in Colby and decides he wants to be a father to Emaline all of a sudden. He’s been constantly pressuring her to go to an expensive college which he offered to pay for. As they email back in forth, Emaline’s father makes a huge decision that upsets her. The Filmmaker, Theo, who Ivy, his boss, brought along with her is very determined to impress Emaline in anyway he can. He just isn’t the perfect fit for her like Luke is and he is a little weird, but someone manages to find the humor in him. Theo seems to come off a little pushy at times and tends to irritate others. Emaline offers to help give him tours around Colby for his documentary project. Even though Theo may be all these things, he really is a caring person. It just takes someone special to identify his true self and to accept him the way he is.Sarah Dessen’s books always grab my attention to where I can’t put the book down. They’re very interesting and have parts where there’s an unexpected twist and that’s what makes her books amazing. I agree with the author's opinions in the book because the book suggests life isn’t always what you expect and sometimes you just have to keep on going no matter the situation. Most of the time Emaline managed to keep her head held high through tough situations and that’s why I view her as a strong young women. This book affected me because I as well have not had any real contact with my biological father for years. Yeah, we say hi to each other once in awhile, but that’s it. Kind of like Emaline and her father. They never really knew each other or had some sort of interaction because her dad left Emaline’s mother when she became pregnant. My opinions about this book will never change because it helped me stay positive and to keep walking forward even when things get rough. This book gave me numerous amounts of emotions. I was feeling a sense of joy, sadness, anger, as well as curiosity. This book kept me inclined to it 24/7. It will make you question the characters actions and keep you wondering about what’s going to happen next.
The Moon And More
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User Reviews:

Guest 7 years ago

So far it good

Guest 7 years ago

This book was really good,i just wish I could finish cut off on chapter 21. Not fair!!!!

Jaimy00 7 years ago

I don't know if this book has an ending or not. But it just abrubtly stops at chapter 21 I dont know if its me. But I would like the full version of this book. Jeez.

Guest 7 years ago

yes i like this book!

Guest 7 years ago

So far I'm loving this book

adriannah10 7 years ago

yes I really enjoyed the book it was very fascinating and entertaning

Guest 7 years ago

Yea that will be great

Guest 7 years ago

I like this book I've got this book at home
it so nice just to relaze at home in my room don't you think!
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