The Marriage Bed (The Medieval Knights Series)

Cover The Marriage Bed (The Medieval Knights Series)
After Compline, most made for their beds. Richard kept praying. Isabel remained at his side. Richard had insisted, and she did not know how to resist without appearing an ungrateful and unloving child, so she did not resist. Hours passed, and the full weight of night fell upon Dornei. All were abed. All was still. The night pressed against her until she collapsed against its weight and fell, fitfully, into sleep. She only knew she swayed on her knees when Richard jerked her awake.
Nocturn came,
... was sung, and passed.
She slept sometime between Nocturn and Matins, unaffected by his nudges.
The chapel filled at Prime, and she stirred. The air was soft with morning and birdsong, and the gentle light of dawn dimmed the candles to insignificance. She realized that her face was resting on the warm wall of his chest and that his arm was wrapped around her for support; it was comforting—and peculiar. Richard's embrace while he sang the office—an odd pairing of experiences. He was her husband and he was turning her into a nun.

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