The Magykal Papers

Cover The Magykal Papers
Genres: Fiction
However, we reserve the right to refuse entry to those considered unsuitable. Visiting the Wizard Tower is a privilege. The following rules must be read before you enter the Tower. Please sign the “I accept” clause at the bottom, otherwise entry will be denied.GENERAL BEHAVIORRemember that this is home to many Wizards, so please behave as you would in your own home (or at least as you would like people to think you behave). No screaming, shouting or swearing. No running, singing, dancing, ball games or skipping. No chewing gum, no musical instruments, no looking in the cupboards and no imported fruits or vegetables.PETSNo pets allowed. Any smuggled hamsters will be speedily removed.THE PASSWORDThe double silver doors at the main entrance are protected by the password. This will be whispered by your host Wizard and it is considered very rude to try to listen. In any case, you will not hear anything that is correct, as the password is self-scrambling. Please do not try shouting random words at the doors, hoping to get lucky.MoreLess

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