The Lost Boy And the Gardener's Daughter

Cover The Lost Boy And the Gardener's Daughter
Genres: Fiction
   Saba took the opportunity tae study him as he focused oan the road through the rain battering aff ae the windscreen.  He actually looked quite angelic…in a sort ae rough way.  He clearly made up the rules as he went alang.  If he wis a sojer, he wid definitely be a leader she thought tae hersel.  He took command ae situations as they arose and made it clear tae her that he widnae tolerate any interference oan her part.  When she’d stormed aff, it wis wae the intention ae looking fur a polis station.  She’d seen a polisman gaun intae a tearoom and hid jist been aboot tae heid in that direction when Wan-eye hid appeared oot ae the opening across the road that she’d jist exited fae.  How he wisnae hit by the fish lorry that’d hid tae slam oan its brakes, she’d never know.  She wis jist so relieved that he’d made it across tae her that she’d furgotten aw about the polisman.  Sitting oan the wall hid gied her time tae think.  She’d never felt so miserable. Even living in the castle wae ...her father hidnae been this bad.  She’d tried tae be nice tae him.  She jist couldnae figure him oot.  Wan minute he seemed pleasant enough and the next, he showered her wae abuse.  And that foul mooth ae his?MoreLess
The Lost Boy And the Gardener's Daughter
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Guest 4 years ago

Just brilliant really fantastic read could not put it down always trying to think ahead of the characters

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