The Liverpool Rose

Cover The Liverpool Rose
Genres: Fiction
I know you said I were to get some scrag end for a stew, but surely you’ll want turnip, carrots and so on as well? And how about a couple of pound of spuds? I might as well get all your messages in one go, because Sally and I thought we’d go round the shops and look for Christmas presents this afternoon.’ Lizzie and her aunt were in the kitchen; Aunt Annie sitting in her usual chair, knitting industriously. She was making Uncle Perce a pair of the thick woollen socks which the dockers liked to ...wear in winter to keep off the chill as they worked. Since this meant using four needles, Aunt Annie needed all her concentration and did not even look up when her niece spoke but answered with her eyes fixed on her work. ‘Oh, aye, there’s not half a dozen spuds in the old sack so if you can get the veggies as well as the scrag end that’ll be all I need. Just check in the cupboard for me, will you? I telled your uncle I’d do a marmalade pudding for afters, so make sure I’ve gorra jar not opened.MoreLess

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