The Lincoln Deception

Cover The Lincoln Deception
Genres: Fiction
They never talked about doing it that way, having Fraser do the asking. First time they did it, Cook just let Fraser ride into the farmyard ahead of him. With his gentle manners, Fraser looked as harmless as the straw he was asking to sleep on. Farmers naturally liked blond, shambling Jamie Fraser. They wanted to help him get out of the weather. They trusted him not to burn the place down. So Cook stayed out of the way.
The journey was proving more difficult than it sounded. Neither of them had
... spent much time in the saddle. They tried to buy horses in Elizabeth, but the ones they found were either half-dead or high-spirited—real high-spirited. When a stableman watched them spook their mounts into near hysteria, he spat tobacco juice and held out the money Fraser had just paid him.
“Come on, come on,” the man called. “Get down off those things before you kill yourselves.”
He told them to try mules. When Cook objected that mules would be slow, the stableman spat again. Drops of brown juice spackled his chin.

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