The Last to Die

Cover The Last to Die
Genres: Fiction
Al-t-ho-ugh Genny had be-en ab-le to po-int them in the right di-rec-ti-on and hel-ped them find the spot whe-re the truck had be-en aban-do-ned and bur-ned, she'd be-en unab-le to pick up the lo-ca-ti-on whe-re the mur-der had ac-tu-al-ly be-en com-mit-ted. Be-fo-re she'd pas-sed out from ex-ha-us-ti-on, she'd told them de-fi-ni-tely that the mur-der hadn't oc-cur-red ne-arby. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter,"Farther up the mo-un-ta-in," Genny had sa...-id. "Ne-ar a thickly wo-oded area. Iso-la-ted. May-be only one ca-bin an-y-w-he-re clo-se." Jacob had left the fo-ren-sics te-am go-ing over the fi-ery truck si-te. And he'd put in a call to Knox-vil-le. A se-cond mur-der in a we-ek's ti-me was all too re-mi-nis-cent of the se-ri-al kil-ler that had stal-ked Che-ro-kee Co-unty three months ago, so he was dam-ned and de-ter-mi-ned to do his best to stop this kil-ler be-fo-re anot-her man fell victim to her black-wi-dow tac-tics. From the char-red re-ma-ins of the body in-si-de the truck the-re was no way to tell for su-re who the man had be-en, and Pe-te Holt had sa-id it had de-fi-ni-tely be-en a man.MoreLess

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