The Last Straw

Cover The Last Straw
Series: Diary of a Wimpy Kid (#3)
Genres: Fiction

Diary of a wimpy kid the last straw was a pretty good book it was about Frank Heffely trying to toughen up Greg he put on in sports but Greg was not good at sports so he had a tough time. In the begging Greg makes a new Yeats reasolution to make sure every body else is doing thiers and also made some up for his family.Chrismas came up and Greg was pretty bummed he only go a stick of deodorant and a pocket dictionary Greg finds out thathe is going to have to go to military academy. Hope you Enjoy.
My book review I will be writing about is The Diary of a Wimpy Kid ‘The Last Straw’. There are many books in The Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. The Last Straw is my favorite; that’s why I am writing about it. To be exact, there is ten books in the Wimpy Kid series. There are a few books that aren’t considered in the series. There is the Movie Diary, Dog Days, The Last straw, Do it yourself book, The long Haul, Hard Luck, The Third Wheel, Cabin Fever, The Ugly Truth, Dog Days, Old Schoo


l, and the newest book is Double Down. All of these books are great but my all time favorite is #1 New York Times bestseller.

The humor in this book is crazy. There is so many laugh-out-loud moments. My favorite character in the book is probably Rodrick or Greg. I like Robrick because he is just the bad one of the family, him and I can relate when it comes to something like that. I also like Greg too because he is just the main person in the book and he is hilarious in my opinion. There is some items and moments in the book that I like and dislike. One thing that I don’t like is that Greg isn’t very popular. He is just like one of the lower classmen. Rowley is down there with him too. All Greg and Rowley want really is just to be cool like everyone else. I also don’t like that Greg and Rowley can act like babies sometime too.

I can’t just write about the bad things in the book, I also gotta write about the good things. I really like that Greg tries at sports and isn’t just a slob like Rodrick. Well Rodrick isn’t exactly a slob, he is in a band called The Loaded Diaper but his room is absolutely disgusting. Greg is inside a lot playing video games but if you think about what young boy usually isn’t playing some type of video game inside. Greg tried swimming in the book before in the summer and he hated it. I’m pretty sure that he did more sports when he was younger but I honestly do not remember.

This book has some really funny moments. My favorite moment was probably when Greg’s grandpa handed him his false teeth. That really made me laugh. I also laughed at the part when Greg thought of the future when he made the russian robot, that was also pretty funny. I think that Greg and his dad have a special bond than any of the other characters in the book. His father’s name is Frank. He is the middle child and I just think that Frank has favoritism towards Greg more than Manny and Rodrick. Rodrick and Manny are Greg’s brothers. If you have read any of the books you would know but Rodrick is Greg’s older brother and Manny is Greg’s little brother. I like Manny a whole lot better than than Rodrick. I get that Manny can be annoying sometimes since is just a toddler but he is just in love with Greg, Rodrick is a jerk to Greg most of the time.

Another thing that I don’t really like is that the topics in book change all the time at random times. For example, it could be December 12th and then a page later it could be Christmas Eve. But they do have a lot of detail when they do talk about the topics. My favorite topics are when they are about Greg and his dad Frank. The do have their ups and downs but they will always have a special bond. I’m going to tell you a quote from the book. “ Let’s face it: Greg Heffley will never change his wimpy ways. Somebody just needs to explain that to Greg’s father”. One thing that Frank doesn’t like about Greg is that he is kinda-sorta a wimp. “ You see, Frank Heffley actually thinks he can get his son to toughen up, and he enlists Greg in organized sports and other ‘manly’ endeavors. Of course, Greg is easily able to stepside his father’s efforts to change him. But when Greg’s dad threatens to send him to military academy, Greg realizes has to shape up….or get shipped out”. Frank loves his son, he just doesn’t want him to be so wimpy.

All in all, Diary of a Wimpy Kids ‘The Last Straw’, is a must read book. This is probably one of my favorite books of all time. This book makes me laugh in so many ways. If you like comedy this is a must read book. This isn’t the only good book! There is tons more to read and laugh at. This book wasn’t New York Times #1 bestseller for no reason!

The Last Straw
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User Reviews:

Maisha28 8 months ago

ok why are they even posting a book that you cant even read its juct so weird and who would actually give this a good rating?

Guest 8 months ago

it was sucky i couldnt see the pics and even when i zoomed in i couldnt see the pics i love diary of a wimpy kid but this one was just sucky

Guest 4 years ago

this book is ... SHIT idk why people would read this crap!
1st its bad
2nd what the hell its so bad

Guest 5 years ago

OH it is over and a happy ending to.....
and all i could think is..... (i woke up in the mornin and i steped out side i take a breth and i
get reel high and i screme at the top of my lungs whats going on)... don't ask.

Guest 5 years ago

so far sooooooooooooooooo goods oh and hoi i's gots to gos now soooo boi

Guest 6 years ago

this was the best book ever i loved it you should get it totally worth it best book i have ever read

Guest 4 years ago

I have all the books even wrecking ball I only need the last straw then I have finished my collection of wimpy kid

Guest 6 years ago

People encourage children to read and you have to pay for books why can’t we just read what we want to read?

Guest 6 years ago

Nice try with the kindle... Pictures are a little hard to read but at least we can read it... ish..

Guest 6 years ago

It's awesome!

Guest 6 years ago

dis da best
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