The Last Good Kiss

Cover The Last Good Kiss
Genres: Fiction
Sitting on four flats, the vehicles looked comic, but I was too tired to smile. As Stacy turned the car around to face down the driveway, I used the keys I had taken from the guards to try the garage door that opened into the kitchen, but it wasn't locked. I dropped the keys on the steps and went back to organize Traheame and his shotgun.
"You stay outside," I told him as I checked again to be sure that he didn't have a shell in the chamber.
"Don't come inside unless you hear gunfire, and if yo
...u 219 do come inside, don't shoot anybody until you're sure who they are. Right?" "Teach your grandma 'to suck eggs," he said.
"That's my line," I said.
He glared at me. "I had a platoon on the 'Canal when you were still in diapers." "Just stay outside," I said, "and try not to think about it." He grunted, and that sounded like the closest I could get to an agreement. I changed clips in the .22 so I would have three rounds of rat shot above six rounds of hollow-point hot loads, then I got a Browning 9mrn automatic out of the car for Stacy, jacked a round into the chamber, and left the hammer back.

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