The Killing Moon

Cover The Killing Moon
Genres: Fiction » Fantasy
Lisa says:
I liked this book more than the Obelisk Gate books but less than the Inheritance trilogy. The world building hooked me and I wanted more (which is great because there was a second book). I loved the characters (and wanted more from them too, but sadly didn't get it). I'm glad to have started with Jemisin's later books, because I could really appreciate this one as one of her firsts without being annoyed at what was missing. I wasn't happy with how it ended, if I had been reading a phys
...ical book, I would have launched it across the room...but it was still satisfying?
Eve says:
This is just so well done! It's well written, satisfying, and original. One of the first books in a while that I have felt completely absorbed in, to the point where I was annoyed when I forgot to bring it with me (and all the ebooks were checked out...yeah, I looked :P) It took me a while to feel like I really had a handle on the world, but once I hit about page 100 I was IN IT. Things I love: That it's based (loosely) on Egypt and not medieval Europe, that it has an extremely well thought out and original world and magical scheme, and that I liked all of the characters. Even though it switches perspectives between a handful of people I never had that "Noooo, not X again! Go back to character Y! I actually LIKE character Y!" reaction.I also really love how she really "shows" rather than tells you about this world. Everything just develops so naturally! The characters never act in ways that don't make sense for their personalities (intelligent people don't miss obvious stuff, for one!). The pieces of the plot always fit together and nothing happens coincidentally. For example, if a character runs into the one person who can help them in that moment it is because another character has specifically sent them to help.I also LOVE how she sets up two different cultures that are so opposed to each other, and really lets you see each perspective and how each finds the other's perspective to be blasphemous. AAAAAAAH the more I talk about this book, the more I'm totally mentally fangirling.Ok, here, a tiny example I have to share: it is made clear that the people of Gujaareen never hurry anywhere, as the idea of "peace" is the cornerstone of their whole culture, whereas the Kisuati are much more boisterous and fast-paced. Everything, even down to the most minute bits of language, reflects this difference: in one scene a Kisuati woman tells a friend that they need to "hurry" somewhere, whereas in another scene a Gujaareen woman simply tells her companion to "go soon". Both scenes have similar levels of urgency, but their reactions, however small, still completely reflect their world views. This is the level of thought that has been put into this book. The only problem I see here is that the more expertly-crafted books I read, the harder it is for me to accept anything less! Damn, N.K. Jemisin, damn.
sa_mira says:
Great surprise. Good fantasy book with a universe akin to Ancient Egyptian culture, refreshing after reading tons of European medieval style ones (which I love, but sometimes you also want fantasy from elsewhere). Doing that brilliantly then, and avoiding the pitfalls of such a style of world-building ... With an interesting story and interesting characters. What more could we ask for ? Well, more books ! (*Now getting started on the second book of the series*).

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Guest 7 years ago

Reminds me of another story i kno of ill check it out

Guest 7 years ago

Is really good book you guys should read it

Guest 7 years ago

Need to work on it but tareally goo

oliverwindstorm 7 years ago

hate it ew :P

Guest 7 years ago

guys its me 'oliverwindstorm' and this is all obviously just a troll , cant believe you guys wasted your time responding to this get a life

Guest 7 years ago

this is such a great book.........I mean what do you mean by eww ......
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